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  Ins Lluís de Requesens. Biblioteca Jordina Vidal       
Ins Lluís de Requesens. Biblioteca Jordina Vidal
Registre:  5645
Títol:  Recycling
Autor:  Stewart, Sue
Publicació:  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008
Col·lecció:  Oxford Bookworms Library. Factfiles; Satge 3
Descriptors:  tecnologia; estalvi; ciències de la natura; reciclatge; medi ambient;
Nivell:  1r Batxillerat
Resum:  A non-fiction book, ideal for intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen at the same time as reading.What will we do when there is nowhere to put our rubbish? Every day, all over the world, people drop cans, boxes, paper, and bottles into bins and never think about them again. And the rubbish mountains get bigger and bigger.But there is another way - a way that makes old paper into houses, broken bottles into jewellery, and old cans into bridges. Anyone can recycle - it's easy, it saves money, and it's a way to say, 'I care about the Earth.' Saving the world starts with you - here - now.
URL:  www.oup.com/elt/download
Format:  llibre
Descripció:  72p 22cm
ISBN:  0194233897

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Citació bibliogràfica
Stewart, Sue. Recycling. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.