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Títol:  RHS Garden Projects. Loads of fun things to make and do in the garden.
Publicació:  London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2012
Descriptors:  ciències de la natura; jardineria; horts; ciències socials; cuina-receptes; expressió visual i plàstica; treballs manuals; literatura; contes per aprendre; contes sobre la natura;
Resum:  Get outside and get inspired in the garden. Bursting with garden projects to make, cook and create, 'RHS Garden Projects' is full of different projects for children to get excited about. From making their own garden buddy to baking a blueberry cheesecake; from lemonade lollies to Wild West cacti, this book is full of inspiring ideas.
URL:  berkelouw.com.au/new-book/rhs-garden-projects-loads-of-fun-things/9781409324942/buy-online#sthash.armHqpga.dpuf
Format:  llibre
Descripció:  80p 29x22cm
ISBN:  140932494X
RHS Garden Projects. Loads of fun things to make and do in the garden.

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RHS Garden Projects. Loads of fun things to make and do in the garden.. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2012.